Monday, February 19, 2007

Tiny duckling has rare mutation: 4 legs

Just another mutated animal. I always tell you about them becasue they are of interest to me, but it is just so strange how often it seems to occur. I don't think I've gone more than 2 weeks between stories about some sort of animal who has some sort of mutation. I guess I should keep more track of this. We may have some whacky scientists ou tthere doing some crazy DNA experiments in the wild.

LONDON - Webbed feet run in Stumpy's family, but he's the first to have four of them.

A rare mutation has left the eight-day-old duckling with two nearly full-sized legs behind the two he runs on. Nicky Janaway, a duck farmer in New Forest, Hampshire, 95 miles southwest of London, showed the duckling to reporters Saturday.

"It was absolutely bizarre. I was thinking 'he's got too many legs' and I kept counting 'one, two, three, four,'" Janaway said.

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