Monday, February 12, 2007

Short-term Business Loans

ARF places short term, working capital loans for small to medium-sized merchants. What does that mean to you? Well…banks traditionally give you a laundry list of things you need to get Business Loans. New businesses are pretty much left in the dark and have no options other than maybe a short-term loan with incredibly high interest.

ARF loans do give you a bit of a better option. These loans range between 26 and 52 weeks with very competitive rates. The application process is pretty simple. Typically they review and approve an application in as little as 2 business days and you can receive your loan in as few as 3 business days after that. 5 day turnaround from application to cash is unheard of when dealing with a bank.

Mirror considered for sunless village

The anti-Mr. Burns Springfield project. Simpson's fans will know what I'm referring to. This is pretty interesting though. I can't imagine not seeing the sun for 3 months out of the year. I get depressed enough just during the long dark days of winter here in Michigan. This project would make an amazing difference I would think for these people. I don't care who you are. Not seeing the sun for a very long time is depressing.

BONDO, Switzerland - Local officials said Monday they are considering the construction of a giant mirror to light up this mountain village whose 198 residents are deprived of sunlight for three months each year.

The project would help illuminate parts of the southeastern Swiss town of Bondo that lie so deep in the Bregaglia Valley they do not receive any sunlight between December and February, said mayor Renzo Giovanoli, confirming a report in the daily Suedostschweiz.

"That would be added value for our town," Giovanoli said. "We came to a consensus at the village assembly that the study of the project should be further assessed so that we can decide on it in the summer."

Full Story