Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Alexa and Page Rank extension for Firefox

I've been using this thing for quite some time now and it is just one handy little tool if you are interestede in this sort of thing. It shows up down on the status bar in the Firefox browser and when you visit a web page it shows you immediately what that page's PR and Alex rank are. IT also allows you to see all the pages indexed on the major search engines and gives you a quick link to the Alex traffic report for that site.

Find the extension here.


Unknown said...

It also reports back to Alexa the same way it would if you were using the IE Alexa toolbar, so there is some extra value-added benefit from using it as well.

Rip said...

Thanks for mentioning that Richard. I forgot to include that. It definitely has made a difference for me in that regard as well.