Friday, October 12, 2012

Beiber Stolen Laptop Called a Prank

Justin Beiber and his team basically pulled off a PR stunt that people actually believed. Actually, the nutjobs that are teens listening to and worshiping their teen idols never surprise in what they will buy from these guys.

Beiber claimed that someone had stolen his laptop after a show this last week (Get a wall mounted computer bro), and even had a fake thief Tweeting him about how he was going to expose the singer. His manager even went along with it and filed a report abou tit. (I would expect them to get prosecuted for this?).

In the end it was just a PR stunt to promote his new video "Beauty and the Beat", which I'm sure I will never watch.

Not Much Talk About Boardwalk Empire This Year It Seems to Me

The finale last year left a lot of people upset at the loss of their favorite character Jimmy. While I liked his character I felt it was inevitable, and completely necessary for him to be taken out. He simply wasn't cut out for the role he was assuming, and it wouldn't have made any sense for him to get away with any of what he was doing. He didn't even want to get away with it anyways. He was ready to die, and didn't put much effort into avoiding it.

At the same time that scene gave Nucky his turn to a much darker side. This season has built on it and Nucky is becoming more and more of a cold blooded killer.

The last episode (episode 4) where Nucky and his right hand man Owen going after a booze thief that turned out to be a young kid was where we really found out. Through the episode we saw that Nucky's obsession with his new mistress was causing him to neglect the business. Some saw openings in it, while his crew and his employees started to slack off considerably. Making stupid decisions, and failing to deliver on time with Nucky not riding them as he should. Owen himself seemed to be getting a bit more cocky and undermining him.

This kid they met was set up to appeal to all the Jimmy lovers absolutely. He had a similar look and attitude that made you feel the throwback and see it test Nucky. After hiding out from the cops in the cellar overnight the 3 of them seemed to be friendly and many thought, Owen included, that Nucky was going to let him go, and perhaps take him on. As Owen stared out the window Nucky shot the kid in the back of the head. Surprising Owen greatly and probably making him wonder if he needed a ph meters at to check his levels. Owen thinking he was going to let him go, Nucky told him that now he knows what's up. His message was sent.

This has been a fantastic season so far, but I don't see many talking about it. It's a shame if they gave up on it because of Jimmy because it is truly a great show.