Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Has Ricky Gervais Ever Not Went Close To Over the Line?

While watching the Golden Globe stuff so I could talk about it a little I saw some of his older videos on Youtube that I remembered from the past. What's funny is that I was clear on what kind of comedian he was before the show, but the backlash was what surprised me considering what kind of comedian he is.

The one video I have always loved of him on Youtube wasn't a stand up act, or anything that you would even think of with him in it. While pretty tame compared to most things he does, it still shows that he isn't going to be handcuffed by his stage no matter what. It is a video of him hanging out with Elmo from Sesame Street. It is hilarious, and cute, but at the same time he still touches on subjects that probably aren't appropriate for the company he is with.

He mentions the Holocaust, fat people that need weight loss pills that work, necrophelia, and it is still hilarious.

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