Sunday, July 10, 2011

Harry Potter World Cup Final Four; No Harry Potter!

Maybe not shocking to most HP fans, but I was a little bit surprised tthat Harry himself did not make the cut of the Final Four in's Harry Potter World Cup. Who knocked him off? His most hated professor of course. The sneaky, and not really that bad a guy, Severus Snape.

The Final Four of the tournament has a couple of characters everyone should expect in Ron and Hermione. The other of the foursome is Harry's godfather, Sirius Black. Ron and Hermione will probably make their way to the Finals and face off against each other I predict since they don't face off this round being #1 seeds. Not sure if you get anything like reward cards for getting the bracket right, but maybe you do I haven't looked at the rules.

My personal favorite characters are Harry as #1. I just like how he put up with so much crap from the Dursley's and still came out without being such a bad guy. Fred and George are my favorite comic relief. The book version of Dembeldore is also one of my favorites since he is quite funny himself in the books. In the movies the headmaster is much too serious, and not at all like his character in the book.

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