Saturday, July 09, 2011

Casey Anthony Trial Withdrawal Waning

If you are one of the many that watched the Casey Anthony trial everyday as it was broadcast live you probably got so used to watching it everyday that you wonder what you can do now. While the verdict was outright, I'm not even going to hide my disagreement...all we have now are a bunch of moron jurors to tell us how poorly they paid attention, and broadcast their lack of intelligence.

By the time I had heard an alternate juror, and a couple of actual jurors talk my withdrawal was about gone. Listening to their excuses was so ridiculous that I wasn't even angry anymore. I just had to laugh.

We now know that they all thought she was guilty, didn't ask to see any evidence while in the jury room, told us that they didn't want to give her the death penalty which they thought was part of the verdict, and considered a fairy tale to be actual evidence. Then had the lack of common sense to claim that there wasn't enough evidence to convince them that it was at least manslaughter. See, if you watched the trial you know there was. Nothing you can do about it now. At least now you know YOU aren't crazy. You know the jurors were just wanted to get out of there and didn't bother even piecing it together.

So enough of it. Make a law that jurors can't get paid for interviews after these cases. Don't subject us to this mind numbing BS. Now we can all go back to watching baseball, or whatever it is we do. I know I haven't watched a game in about 2 weeks, which is insane since I watch almost every Detroit Tigers game there is. After the All-star game this next week I will get myself some baseball gifts and get back into it for good.

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