Friday, February 04, 2011

Justin Bieber To Be On Saturday Night Live!

Yay! I love him!


Not really. I honestly don't even know what he is famous for. I just know that he is probably the most talked about person in the world and he is the main focus of probably 30% of all Youtube comments. I believe I heard once that he is the first true star to be born on Youtube. If that is the case then good for him. That's the new American Dream right there folks. Put a bunch of videos on Youtube and you are probably more popular than anyone in the world.

You may not be in the press, or get a lot of exposure in popular media, or see them on The O'Reilly Factor in Conference calls, but I can assure you that there are probably more people around the world that follow the Shaytards than most other celebrities out there.

Anyways, young Bieber is going to be on SNL. It is a surprise appearance that obviously everyone knows about. Bieber just appeared on The Daily Show a couple days ago in place of Jon Stewart. He owns you all.

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