Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shutter Island Getting Mixed Reviews?

Seems that people are all over the place with this one. I haven't seen it yet myself, but you could tell me that it was the worst movie you ever saw (you know these types. Read the IMDb boards of any movie once and every movie has at least 10 of these people) and I would still go see it. Leo DiCaprio is too awesome of an actor for me to miss any movie he is in.

I suppose it doesn't matter a hell of a lot if it gets mixed reviews. It ws #1 on teh Box Office charts this week regardless of the early reviews. I guess peopel agree with me that Leo is the man.

All the dorks that probably should be spending their time getting blackhead extraction are spending it reviewing movies. There is nothing that annoys me more than the typical douchebag movie reviewer trying to be the next Roger Ebert (this guy rules IMO). Trying to use big words, and act like they are a poet. Just quit all the BS and say what you want without using a thesaurus for every other word to try and sound like you actually know what the hell you are talking about.

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