Sunday, January 17, 2010

NBC Exec Says Conan is Gutless and Failed

Well now. AT least someone decided to speak their mind about the whole thing. HArd for anyone to get n the side of any NBC executive in this whole fiasco though considering that NBC is the 4th most viewed network (out of 4: ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC) at the moment, and failing hard in every way.

NBC Sports executive Dick Ebersol has defended Jay Leno against comedic barbs from Conan O’Brien and David Letterman in the wake of NBC’s request to move “The Tonight Show” to 12:05 a.m.

According to The New York Times, Ebersol called O’Brien and Letterman “chicken-hearted and gutless to blame a guy you couldn’t beat in the ratings.”

“They’re just striking out at Jay,” he added. “It seems like professional jealousy.”

Sounds like Ebersol is a moron to me.

Ebersol blamed the late night shift on O’Brien.

“What this is really all about is an astounding failure by Conan,” Ebersol added, referring to “The Tonight Show With Conan O’Brien’s” ratings, which have fallen since O’Brien took over the reigns.

“I like Conan enormously personally,” Ebersol told the newspaper. “He was just stubborn about not being willing to broaden the appeal of his show.” this guy that does SPORTS knows all about Late Night now does he? SPORTS are easy to make appealing. The games themselves are the show, not some idiot commentators. Maybe he thinks Conan needs some human growth hormone to compete?

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