Thursday, November 01, 2007

Dog Bounty Hunter 'Sorry' for Racist Rant w/ Audio

Get your BS catching aprons on. Another "celeb" who went off the wall and decided to throw a bunch of racial crap around is going to make a fake apology to everyone. The tirade can be heard at here
(This audio in the link contains racial slurs featuring the "N" word. You have been warned).

After the tirade, "Dog" has decided to take it all back and apologize. How cute.

"We take this matter very seriously," A&E spokesman Michael Feeney said in a statement Thursday. "Pending an investigation, we have suspended production on the series. When the inquiry is concluded, we will take appropriate action."

"There's no problem with how the tape was obtained and Dog has acknowledged its authenticity, and admitted to using the racist language," said David Perel, the Enquirer's editor-in-chief.

"I did not mean to add yet another slap in the face to an entire race of people who have brought so many gifts to this world," he said. "I am ashamed of myself and I pledge to do whatever I can to repair this damage I have caused."

Chapman said, "My sincerest, heartfelt apologies go out to every person I have offended for my regrettable use of very inappropriate language. I am deeply disappointed in myself for speaking out of anger to my son and using such a hateful term in a private phone conversation."

Chapman said the clip was completely taken out of context.

"I was disappointed in his choice of a friend, not due to her race, but her character," he said. "However, I should have never used that term."

Chapman said he is meeting with his spiritual adviser, Rev. Tim Storey, who is black, and hopes to meet with other black leaders, "so they can see who I really am and teach me the right thing to do to make things right, again."

"I know that all of my fans are deeply disappointed in me, as well, as I have tried to be a model for doing the right thing," he said. "I did not do the right thing this time, and hope you will forgive me."

Sure, pal. Whatever.

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