Thursday, May 17, 2007

Britney, Paris among top overexposed stars

Here's one of those "no s***" articles from MSNBC. Overexposed, or underexposed? Do we really want to hear about world events when we listen to the news? Fox is all reality all the time man. Fox network channel is like a softcore version of their Fox Reality TV channel. Fox News may even be closer to Fox Reality TV than their flagship station.

I say you give us more Britney, Paris, Anna "more popular dead" Nicole , Kevin "No Talent Ass Clown" Federline, and that American Idol douchebag, Sanjaya Malakar. These people give us hope. Britney is disgusting and has less talent than William Hung. Paris is a pornstar. Ann Nicole was a PLAYBOY PLAYMATE (put that on your Address Plaque), married an old rich guy for money, got really fat and laid around on her home furniture, never got her money, lost some wight, died of drugs (most likely), and now she is like Jim Morrison, or Kurt Cobain. I don't pay attention to guys so all I know about the other two is that Federline must have a huge...err...and Sanjaya Malakabaabaeraba is likely gay, but women love him, or something.

Greatest Celebrity Ever below:

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