Sunday, September 08, 2013

Miley Cyrus Loses Vogue Cover after VMA Performance

What's the deal with so many uptight people about her VMA performance? Who cares? Apparently a lot of people including the editor-in-chief Anna Wintour of Vogue who was supposed to give her the December cover as the next young fashion model. Bleh

Just seems rather silly to me that an adult acting like a sexual being on stage is all of a sudden a negative. It's not like this hasn't been a mainstay of people like Madonna ever since their early 20s. Madonna had just as ridiculous stage shows as Miley did at the VMAs, yet she is the one getting all the negative press? People acting like she should go to and get out of the country. Asinine. Funny thing is that all these whiners are just giving her all kinds of press. She is talked about daily still for something that happened over 2 weeks ago. At least she was sane enough not to go on an apology tour.

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