Friday, August 02, 2013

They are Still Making Bourne Movies?

I'm quite sure that the last Bourne movie I saw was the 3rd one. The 4th I don't remember coming out, and I'm not even sure if Matt Damon was in it. It appears though that the FIFTH in the series is set to be made now with Jeremy Renner being back (so I guess he was the star in the last one? lol).

It was just announced that Universal Pictures will be doing a 5th installment in the Bourne series, this one to star Jeremy as Aaron Cross again. I suppose I should go watch the 4th one since I wasn't exactly a critic of the first 3. For action movies the Bourne series is pretty high octane and thrilling to watch. Although I don't particularly care for true action movies that often, the Bourne series at least left me feeling satisfied after leaving the theater. Something that most action movies fail to do due to their poor stories and lack of acting.

While I loved all the stupid Arnold and Sly movies as a kid, I can see just how awful they are now seeing them again. They are so bad that I still like them though. Just in a different way. You would think some of the directors of the action genre would be looking for requirements for bankruptcy, but we all know that Americans are easily entertained. Action movies and terrible comedies rule the movie going experience for those that don't want to think. Sadly, it is rare that either live up to the laughs, or the action they promise, but sometimes we get lucky.

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