Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Fox Pulls Recent Family Guy Episode from website depicting Boston Marathon Deaths

This is much more of a coincidence that this episode was made, and not made in direct relation to the Boston MArathon tragedy yesterday. It already aired before the marathon and isn't in any way related to the tragedy.

In the episode, protagonist Peter Griffin is asked by sports announcer Bob Costas about his performance at the marathon. A flashback shows Peter mowing down runners with his car.

“I’ll tell ya, Bob, I just got in my car and drove it,” Griffin says. “And when there was a guy in my way, I killed him.”

Later, Peter befriends a terrorist who, unbeknownst to him, is plotting to blow up a bridge. When Peter dials a cellphone the friend has given him, explosions and screams are heard. On some websites, an edited clip has been circulating that fuses the two scenes, making it seem — incorrectly — as if the explosion was at the marathon. Some commenters have implied that the show “predicted” the bombings.

While it is very much inappropriate for the timing, I still don't claim to have anything against joking about tragedies. It's not to me to decide how people deal with tragedy. Many, like myself, tednd to deal with it very soon after with humor rather than ongoing depression. I am a person that suffers with depression so being able to laugh as much as I can is absolutely necessary. Those that don't have depression wouldn't understand. I suppose they need to feel those negative emotions sometimes. I, on the other hand, try to feel thmem as littl eas possible since it is part of my everyday life already.

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