Saturday, January 12, 2013

Decided to Watch 'Carnivale' Finally

I never really knew what Carnivale was all about. Silly me I actually thought because of the way it is spelled that it was going to be some sort of Moulin Rouge musical or some nonsense. I never bothered to look into it. I knew it ended after 2 seasons and was cancelled so that left me even more reason to avoid it. Rather read the instruction booklet to my Security Software most of the time when I know the show doesn't actually end.

Then I heard a couple people talking about it one day and saying that it had some sci-fi/fantasy and battles of good vs. evil, heaven and hell, etc. Totally not what I was expecting obviously.

So I just finished season 1 today and I must say that this is one of the slowest moving shows that I have ever seen. That doesn't mean I didn't think it was great, however. I loved the first season immensely. The characters and their stories. The strange alternate world they live in with just enough from the real world to give it that cyberpunk sort of thing.

The problem? I know that it ends early. After season 2. Season 1 had a bit of a cliffhanger in it. Not a huge one that I couldn't live on without finding out what happens, but if season 2 ends this way as well I might be quite upset. I'm told that it digs a bit deeper and moves along at a faster clip though so hopefully I am not left totally wanting at the end of this unfinished show.

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