Sunday, July 08, 2012

Official 13 minute Dark Knight Rises Preview On Youtube

With the excitement for the upcoming Dark Knight Rises opening in theaters worldwide on July 20th a brand new 13 minute behind the scenes preview has been posted on youtube. It is in FULL HD. Dark Knight was actually ranked as the top movie of all-time on IMDb by voters when it first came out. This movie had a ton of press besides being very good. With the death of Heath Ledger around the time of release, and the movie actually being awesome it got a a lot more support than it might have otherwise. It would still be ranked pretty high, but not nearly as high without all the factors coming together. Anyways, the videeo is 13 minutes with some clips and behind the scenes stuff into the upcomign movie that opens worldwide on July 20th. A screening for the press scheduled for July 6th in IMAX actually had complications and had to be stopped at 1 hour into it due to problems with audio sync. The projectionist was probably busy back in his Famous Smoke Shop and forgot to do something.

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