Monday, January 10, 2011

Jim Carrey Still Drawing Ratings on SNL

IT seems like it has been a decade since I watched a Jim Carrey movie that I liked. Well it seems like a decade since I have seen any Carrey movies. For some reason he seems to have been passed on as an entertainer that I follow, or look forward to seeing.

After the NFL playoff games yesterday (GREAT opening weekend of the NFL BTW) I saw he was on and decided to watch. Then I got sidetracked and never watched

Today I see that his ratings were the best since our favorite golden oldie, Betty White was on. If you remember, Betty White's appearance had a huge following and she actually was picked to appear based on a Facebook campaign, and rubbing magic rings. SNL delivered a 7.8 in the metered-market household Nielsens. You have to go back to when Betty White hosted the show with Jay-Z as musical guest last season to find a bigger next-day number.

I guess I will catch it later this week with On Demand since I missed it. I can never tell what the show is gonna be based on what I see viewers say. The show DOES suck most weeks so I can't blame the bitterness out there, but there are always a few good sketches, and even when weeks are above average people still complain about "how it used to be" like they remember it being the greatest show ever. IT has been a while for sure with a cast I truly enjoyedd, but the show has its moments still.

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