Sunday, September 06, 2009

Michael Moore: "Capitalism: A Love Story"

Here we go again. Another Michael More "documentary" on the way. I quote documentary because most of his with that designation are poorly researched, and many times simply fraudulent. Of course that means very little to his fans and the ones he is helping spread their agenda.

This time his propaganda piece is entitled "Capitalism: A love Story" in which he has set out to prove that Capitalism is Evil. It will get a lot of run I'm sure because he does what any good scam artist does. He looks at the current situation and plays to the people that are negatively impacted by it.

While Moore does have a bit of humor, and some of the issues he raises are interesting, I still find his lack of accountability in his own work troubling. Obviously he does not care that much either way since most people that are looking for conspiracy theories, or anti-establishment rally pieces will take it in with out any critical thinking and spread it like wildfire from their cell phones and their internet forums.

While I have yet to see this, his previous "documentaries" have shown me that this is probably a trend that will continue so I think it is safe to make the assumption. Most of the issues he brings up actually have some sort of merit, but apparently not enough to him that he feels he must bend the truth to get his point a crossed.

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