Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sarah Palin on SNL

If you didn't already know, Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live this weekend. After a few weeks of Tina Fey portraying Sarah Palin on the show they finally got Palin herself to appear on the show as well. Just like any other politician that appears on SNL you probably shouldn't expect much. It wasn't terrible by any means. It just wasn't all that great. SNL tends to do a pretty bad job at sketches when they bring on guests like this. Seems like they waste the opportunity, or the guest just isn't that entertaining. I expected them to do a bit more with her as a mom, or something. Maybe out with the kids shopping for crib bedding, or

If that video below works you can watch her opening skit here, but for some reason the embed doesn't always work from there. If that is the xcase you can take a look at it here as well as quite a few other clips they have done on Palin. NBC is pretty stingy with their SNL clips, but is allowed to post most of them so that is probably the best place to get them.

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