Sunday, June 29, 2008

Judge halts release of Mini-Me sex tape

The greatest sex tape of all-time has been taken away from us. Vern Troyer, the Mini-Me guy from Austin Powers made a sex tape, but a judge says we can't see it. Who would want to I guess, but you know there are some freaks out there. Not me of course, but other people.

TMZ posted a 25-second snipped of the video Wednesday, but pulled the clips down Friday evening after a federal judge granted a temporary restraining order requested by Troyer’s attorneys.

The ruling also prevents any attempt by a porn distributor from taking orders for the full 50-minute video, and keeps TMZ from broadcasting any more clips. Troyer’s lawsuit also seeks $20 million in damages and the return of all copies of the tape. Yeah...sure buddy...Oops...forgot that one that slipped under the cushion of my modern furniture couch there. did that get on the internet?

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