Friday, May 09, 2008

Britney Spears Watch South Park

I thought the South Park last night was pretty funny. It started out with Randy and the 4 kids watching Democratic Debate between Hillary and Obama, and then cut into a Special Report called Britney

Britney who is basically followed around night and day by the media got a bit of a look from her side in the show. With stints in drug rehab, the looney bin, and court for her kids, the show decided to give her a bit of credit for all her craziness and blame the media. Turns out that she is being sacrificed by America by media rather than just throwing her into a volcano like they did in ancient times. We need that corn!

They made a bit of a prediction that the next sacrifice is going to be Miley Cyrus, a.k.a. Hannah Montana. I can certainly see this happening.

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