Saturday, January 26, 2008

'NYPD' Buttocks May Cost $1.4 Million

The Federal Communications Commission has proposed a $1.4 million fine against 52 ABC Television Network stations over a 2003 broadcast of cop drama NYPD Blue for a scene that included multiple close ups of a woman's booty.

FCC's definition of indecent content requires that the broadcast "depicts or describes sexual or excretory activities" in a "patently offensive way" and is aired between the hours of 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.

The agency rejected the network's argument that "the buttocks are not a sexual organ." Hmmm...seems the Hollywood crowd would be more experimental than that wouldn't you think? Everyone just jumps on the mattress and does the old fashioned military-style? Funny defense none the less I suppose.

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