Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cindy McCain on the View: "They Picked Our Bones Clean"

Last week Presidential candidate John McCain and his wife Cindy appeared on the talks show The View. Several days later she seems to have a lot to say about how they were treated by the ladies on the View. She claims that the American people's views and beliefs are not represented in newspapers and on TV shows such as "The View." While I don't disagree with that, she went on to say that they "picked their bones clean" at a Michigan fundraiser this week.

"In spite of what you see ... in the newspapers, and on shows like 'The View' -- I don't know if any of you saw 'The View' yesterday, they picked our bones clean -- in spite of what you see, that's not what the American people are saying and what they are believing," says Mrs. McCain, per ABC News' Arnab Datta. "They are now seeing a clear difference with these candidates, and they are seeing who is going to make the best president, and that's why we're pulling ahead." Full video can be seen here. Heck...you can probably get the video onto your unlocked cell phones by now.

Sorry to break it to you Cindy. The reason you are pulling a head is because Americans are quite stupid. The addition of Sarah Palin to the Republican ticket is the ONLY reason that McCain has gained so much momentum. Sarah Palin is now as big, or much bigger than Obama as a political celebrity. That is the only reason this race has changed. McCain couldn't be happier that all the focus has been pulled off of him and moved onto Palin.

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