Friday, October 07, 2011

Did Breaking Bad Make It's First Real Mistake Last Week?

I've seen a lot of theories around last week's episode. The episode right before Season 4's finale on Sunday, and I don't like any of them. It almost feels like I'm reading 9.11 truther conspiracies this week in regards to the episode.

There are basically 2 major things that annoyed me about the episode. First was that Jesse went to Walt and accused him of poisoning his girlfriend's kid. How he would jump to this conclusion is bad enough, but let's just say he was a little paranoid like they all were this episode.

What was most annoying though and was actually cringe-worthy was the final scene. Gus all of a sudden catches Spidey sense and figures out he is in danger to be blown to bits by Walt? People have tried to explain this away in many ways, but all of them are stupid. Jesse saying the kid was poisoned put him on alert, he knew Walt would be there because of it. Blah blah blah. It's just asinine. Then knowing that someone was looking to take him out he decides to walk over to the railing in full view of anyone on another building to get sniped as if he already knew it was a car bomb.

These weren't even the conspiracy theory scenes. The theories are all based on the ricin poisoning of the kid. Trying to decide between Walt, or Gus doing it. The same people that have for weeks theorized it would be accidental and end up being the kid, or Jesse's girl (haha). Accident better be the answer because nobody in this situation is a god and omnipotent. I assume this IS what happened and all the character work done here is just them all being paranoid. If this isn't it I find no explanation worthy because the timeline doens't fit. It would make me recommend the writers to look for a new career in something like Technical Recruiter Consultant Jobs.